It's More Than A Month Since The Last Post
Please forgive me for taking sooooooooooo long time to post in this blog. In fact from now on i will post less due to heavy schedule. As you know currently i'm involved in giving talks to the public on how to make money from the internet. Not only that, i'm also busy conducting electronic repair courses for students. The last internet workshop only managed to pulled in 12 participants but i'm still satisfied due to some of the participants already made us dollars. You may check out the website here This coming first of July, i and my friends will be giving another talk and this make me have to do some preparation cos i'm targeting 20 participants now and will advertise to local newspaper with two insertion. Last week i've just finished conducted an advanced troubleshooting course for two participants from petronas sarawak. They learned all my troubleshooting tips and skill about electronic repairing. I'm glad that they now have more confident in tackling the electronic repair tough dog problem.
Petronas Sarawak Participants photo
29th of april internet marketing workshop:
Petronas Sarawak Participants photo
29th of april internet marketing workshop: