Sunday, July 22, 2007
Yes, that's right, i will stop posting in this website and please go to for any latest information in electronics. See you there my friends!
Monday, July 16, 2007
It Was A Wonderful Trip

We stayed at Legend Water Chalet Port Dickson (PD) and it was a very nice trip. After checked in and had some rest we went to the nearby hotel (Glory beach hotel) to check out the beach condition. We saw kids riding on a horse. We decided to let out kids ride on the horse since my little girl hasn’t had this experience before. After that, we went straight to the beach to build sand castle. The kids really enjoying themselves playing sand and I joined them too.
Click here to view the video
The room interior designed was superb and there was a built in see through glass where you could see the below area from your room. I brought along my fishing rod but there seems to be no fish around and only small crabs.

We didn’t go for swimming because my kids caught a cold just before we leave for PD. Dinner time came and I guessed I and my family were the first to be in the restaurant (because we didn’t go to swimming pool). It was a buffet dinner and we truly enjoyed the meals. The reason I went to PD was to celebrate my 10 years wedding anniversary. Time flies just like that and seeing my kids grow was the most beautiful experienced.
Above all, LOVE. Spend quality and quantity time with your children. Be generous with your praises and lots of hugs. Bring corrections and discipline to a child with love and consistency and one day your children and grandchildren ‘arise and call you blessed!’

Remember, the greatest gift that a father can give to his children is to love his wife!
Legend Water Chalet photo1
Legend Water Chalet photo2
Legend Water Chalet photo3
Legend Water Chalet photo4
Legend Water Chalet photo5
Friday, July 13, 2007
Short Holiday To Port Dickson
Tomorrow i and my family will be going to Port Dickson (PD)for a short holiday. The last time i went there was about 2 years ago. The place that i'm staying is located along the coastal stretch of PD in Negeri Sembilan on the west coast of Malaysia. The journey from my house to PD is about one and a half hour drive and the kids will surely love the place very much. When i come back, i will show some pictures to you.

Just completed the basic monitor course for 3 of the Malaysia Airport Technologies (MAT) staff. They came last year for basic electronic and next year will be in the advance monitor repair course. The participants told me that every year MAT sent their staff for training. The furthest place they sent was in Australia. Some had took the PLC programming, windows server and networking courses too. MAT is truly a blessing to their staff. Next week there will be another batch of three coming for the basic monitor course. Hope after the rest in PD, i again will give the best to all of them.

Today i received the latest nikkei magazine and the cover story was Blue violet lasers, next generation DVDs, medical health care drive wireless innovations and many more. If you haven't subscribe, you can subscribe now to get a free copy and they will send directly to your house address.

While on the way back home after sending my son for a night classes, my car met an accident. The driver from the other car hit the boot and the bumper was totally wrecked and we were shocked by the accident. Thank God that all of us inside the car (me, my wife and daughter) were safe. The driver kept saying sorry as he also worried about our condition. This is the first time that my car was knocked from behind with such a big impact. We could felt that the seat belt really at work otherwise we would hit the windscreen and cause injury to us. I saw his car in the front part was badly damaged too. We decided to carry on with the trip tomorrow and only next week i will send the car for repair.
As for the weekly electronic repair article, i will only send it next week. Take care my friends!

Just completed the basic monitor course for 3 of the Malaysia Airport Technologies (MAT) staff. They came last year for basic electronic and next year will be in the advance monitor repair course. The participants told me that every year MAT sent their staff for training. The furthest place they sent was in Australia. Some had took the PLC programming, windows server and networking courses too. MAT is truly a blessing to their staff. Next week there will be another batch of three coming for the basic monitor course. Hope after the rest in PD, i again will give the best to all of them.

Today i received the latest nikkei magazine and the cover story was Blue violet lasers, next generation DVDs, medical health care drive wireless innovations and many more. If you haven't subscribe, you can subscribe now to get a free copy and they will send directly to your house address.

While on the way back home after sending my son for a night classes, my car met an accident. The driver from the other car hit the boot and the bumper was totally wrecked and we were shocked by the accident. Thank God that all of us inside the car (me, my wife and daughter) were safe. The driver kept saying sorry as he also worried about our condition. This is the first time that my car was knocked from behind with such a big impact. We could felt that the seat belt really at work otherwise we would hit the windscreen and cause injury to us. I saw his car in the front part was badly damaged too. We decided to carry on with the trip tomorrow and only next week i will send the car for repair.
As for the weekly electronic repair article, i will only send it next week. Take care my friends!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Looking Forward To Teach More Repair Courses
I suppose to go on a short vacation today and plan to send the repair article on friday but out of sudden my son developed a high fever. I have to postpone the short trip to next week and will be sending the repair article in few more hours time. Yesterday i just completed the advanced monitor course for the young guy. He finished all the 3 major courses and starting from next week onward till end of the month he will be station in the technical department to start repair customer monitors. Although i shared to him all the repairing secrets, he still need to be expose to the actual faults in Monitor. Practical or hands on is still the best to learn electronic repair.
Next week a new batch of MAT staff will be attending the basic monitor repair. They had completed the basic electronic course last year. For your information, each of their staff are eligible to take up one of our course per year. That's mean, once i completed this basic monitor course for them, they will come next year to take the advance monitor course and another year for LCD monitor repair.
There are some good news too, in august and september there will be students attending the LCD monitor repair course. After setting up my new website and it seems that i got more enquiries about the courses. Since i want to expand my company especially in the repair courses, i had consulted a salesman about the advertising. I plan to advertise in this coming either august or september to let more people know about the courses. Hope after advertise more people will be taking up the repair courses from us.
After completion of the course one can always choose which field they want to be in. It is not necessary must be in the Monitor repair line. I'm just using Monitor as a guide to teach about electronic repair. You can choose to be a technician in monitor, tv, cctv, automobile, parking system, alarm system, audio, computer and many more in repair. You can also work in big firm too like matsushita, national, panasonic, samsung, LG, Epson and etc.
Next week a new batch of MAT staff will be attending the basic monitor repair. They had completed the basic electronic course last year. For your information, each of their staff are eligible to take up one of our course per year. That's mean, once i completed this basic monitor course for them, they will come next year to take the advance monitor course and another year for LCD monitor repair.
There are some good news too, in august and september there will be students attending the LCD monitor repair course. After setting up my new website and it seems that i got more enquiries about the courses. Since i want to expand my company especially in the repair courses, i had consulted a salesman about the advertising. I plan to advertise in this coming either august or september to let more people know about the courses. Hope after advertise more people will be taking up the repair courses from us.
After completion of the course one can always choose which field they want to be in. It is not necessary must be in the Monitor repair line. I'm just using Monitor as a guide to teach about electronic repair. You can choose to be a technician in monitor, tv, cctv, automobile, parking system, alarm system, audio, computer and many more in repair. You can also work in big firm too like matsushita, national, panasonic, samsung, LG, Epson and etc.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Completed Another Course For MAT Staff

Completed another basic electronic course for the malaysia airport technologies (MAT)staff. At first i didn't knew that they sent two ladies to attend my course. I was only told 5 staff will be attending the course. One of ladies have diploma in IT while the other have diploma in Engineering. They have no problem handling all those hardware stuff. This course is target to those who are really new or have some experience in electronics. I always tell my students that my job is to build a road for them, whether they want to sit, stand, walk or run is actually depends on themselves. To run means after the course, build more electronic projest kits, visit repair forum, read electonic books and magazine and etc. There will be non stop of acquiring electronic repair kbowledge and the process of learning electronics is continuous! This is true also if you want to improve yourself in electronics or any other field that you interested in.

The young guy now is taking the second level course which is the basic monitor repair. He had spent 3 days in my technical department where my supervisor guide him on the practical side especially on the basic electronics. He trained him again on the soldering and checking electronic components skill. I could see that he have the heart of loving this job. Whatever electronic components assignment my supervisor gave him, he was able to solve it-marvelous!

Even he is good at reading Monitor schematic diagram and locate the Monitor circuit too. For your information, at the end of each day of the course, i will hand the students about 10 to 15 questions and this young guy was able to answer 90% of the questions. He is the type that never give up easily and i seldom see any students that come close to him- to be honest.
I told him that he is blessed to have a good father and family members that support him in his study. He is not from a well to do family and after completion of the course i believe he will be able to contribute back to his family finance after he start working. I just want them to be independent and stand on their feet and not always to depends on parents. Somehow you just have to climb your own ladder one day and no one will climb it for you. Seeing my former students successful in their repair career really made me have a great joy and happiness in my heart.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Electronic repair courses

Just finished giving a basic electronic course today for the student that i've mentioned in the last post. He is only 19 years old and have decided not to continue with his study. He told me that he love to dismantle things and find out how it works (same as me) when he was young and willing to start work after completion of all my courses. I've been told by one of my TV repair friend that he is looking for a junior tech and a general clerk. I will train him till end of july and most probably hope that he can start work by 1st of August.
Just after 3 days attending the basic course, he is independent now and had no problem in troubleshooting electronic components. He will start to take the basic monitor repair course on next Thursday as this course is totally different from the basic electronic. He will be expose to many types of circuit, how to read schematic, simple modification of electronic circuit and many more. Next monday till wednesday, again starting the basic electronic course for the MAT staff (5 of them will be coming). Looks like i have to talk less so that my throat have the time to rest. Check out the photo below for the recent course that i have conducted for the MAT staff.

Me and my family members just celebrated father's day few hours ago. We had a simple dinner at a restaurant nearby my house. Usually every year, we will celebrate after one week of the actual date to avoid congestion in the restaurants. Hope i'm not too late to wish all of my readers a happy father's day! My new website is ready now and you can visit it by clicking here.
Monday, June 18, 2007
MAT Courses Start Today

Courses for Malaysia Airport Technologies (MAT) start today. Every year MAT sent about 10 over staff for training and newer staff will take the Basic Electronics course first before proceed to take the Basic Monitor repair course the following year until the completion of the course which is the Advanced Monitor Repair. Somehow this year have an additional course which is the LCD Monitor repair course which will be starting on this coming August. So far we have sent out some quotation to MAT and University Cyberjaya and one big corporation, hope their management will approve the course.
Today’s course was attended by four of the MAT staff and they are doing very well and looking to learn more in the next two days. This coming Thursday, there might be another basic electronic course held for a participant. Remember from the previous post 3 months ago, a participant just after completion of form 5 wanted to learn from me all the troubleshooting and repair skills but he got a called to serve in the national service (NS) for 3 months. Now the NS training was over and his father called me saying that he will be sending his son next Thursday to be train under me. I will conduct the course in Mandarin. If everything goes well, then I may be very busy from Monday to Saturday for couples of week just to give training.
Last week, there was another caller from Kuala Trengganu expressed his interest in the courses too. Quotation already sent out and now just waits for the purchase order only.

Wow! About the fishing trip, it was very fruitful. Good weather, calm sea, and the best is the good catch! Not to mention, good food too! Every of my angler’s friends were very happy and many will be looking forward for the next trip. Some suggest go to pulau (island) AUR which is somewhere near pulau Tioman in this coming September. Well, if all planned accordingly, perhaps after finishing giving all the courses, I may take a rest by going to the place my angler’s friends have suggested. Click below to view the photos
By the way, my new website will be ready soon; hopefully I can launch it in this coming Saturday or Sunday. All the best to you!